
Survivor: Marathon

I've been watching a LOT of Survivor lately, shuffling between a Justin Tv channel and a YouTube channel. 20 seasons, over 350 contestants, tons of challenges, Jeff Probst and his copter theatrics... needless to say, I'm a fan.

So I've compiled a list of my top Survivor contestants, in no particular order: (will make a clean edit shortly)

Sue Hawk- The snakes and rats speech in Borneo, and yelling at Jeff in All-Stars

Rudy Boetsch- for his curmudgeony comments

Richard Hatch- the ultimate survivor. Played a brilliant strategy game.

Michael Skupin- for wiping pigs blood on his face after killing it, for yelling 'Kucha!' while being airlifted.

Colby Donaldson- for winning 5 back-to-back immunities and being unbelievably hot.

Big Tom- most entertaining Survivor, and his awesome dance moves.

Rob Cesternino- brilliant student of the game, gets the prize for switching alliances the most

Rupert Boneham- crazy pirate man and his war cries.

Jonny Fairplay- for being the little shmutz that he is. a weasel through and through.

Sandra Diaz- bitchy, loved her comments.

Rob Mariano- the Robfather from Bawston. Played a dirty game, entertaining.

Twila Tanner

Ian- for giving up the chance in the top 2 to redeem his pride.

Tom- the classic hero, and for killing the shark.

Stephanie LaGrossa- for surviving her tribe in Palau.

Cirie Fields- the Queen of the silent game. Brilliant.

Shane Powers-

Ozzy- for being the love child of Mowgli and a mermaid, being super loyal (and super hot).

Yul- Stuck with his alliance and his political strategem.

Jonathan- For mutinying against his tribe. Very vocal.

Parvati- The only female contestant to use her sexuality in the winning way.

Yau man- For being humble. stupid, smart all at the same time.

Todd Herzog- For a fantastic final tribal council with the jury.

James Clement- For talking

Erik Reichenbach- For falling prey to Parvati and the League of Bitches

Bob Crowley- for his fake immunity idol and his buff bow tie.

Ken Hoang- the video games really taught him the game of manipulation.

Coach Wade- oh god where to begin? For proclaiming he's the Dragon Slayer, for his definitely fake stories, for being so gullible in both seasons.

JT- total workhorse, loyal.

Russell Hantz- for burying the machete and going head to head with Rob in one nail biting tribal council.

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