Scribbles at SOBO Boutique starting this month!
Spring 2011

Facebook page set up!
My favorite design websites
Why? Peruses the internet for unique design projects, inspiration. Lot of typography.
2) The Cool Hunter: http://www.thecoolhunter.net/
Survivor: Marathon
So I've compiled a list of my top Survivor contestants, in no particular order: (will make a clean edit shortly)
Sue Hawk- The snakes and rats speech in Borneo, and yelling at Jeff in All-Stars
Rudy Boetsch- for his curmudgeony comments
Richard Hatch- the ultimate survivor. Played a brilliant strategy game.
Michael Skupin- for wiping pigs blood on his face after killing it, for yelling 'Kucha!' while being airlifted.
Colby Donaldson- for winning 5 back-to-back immunities and being unbelievably hot.
Big Tom- most entertaining Survivor, and his awesome dance moves.
Rob Cesternino- brilliant student of the game, gets the prize for switching alliances the most
Rupert Boneham- crazy pirate man and his war cries.
Jonny Fairplay- for being the little shmutz that he is. a weasel through and through.
Sandra Diaz- bitchy, loved her comments.
Rob Mariano- the Robfather from Bawston. Played a dirty game, entertaining.
Twila Tanner
Ian- for giving up the chance in the top 2 to redeem his pride.
Tom- the classic hero, and for killing the shark.
Stephanie LaGrossa- for surviving her tribe in Palau.
Cirie Fields- the Queen of the silent game. Brilliant.
Shane Powers-
Ozzy- for being the love child of Mowgli and a mermaid, being super loyal (and super hot).
Yul- Stuck with his alliance and his political strategem.
Jonathan- For mutinying against his tribe. Very vocal.
Parvati- The only female contestant to use her sexuality in the winning way.
Yau man- For being humble. stupid, smart all at the same time.
Todd Herzog- For a fantastic final tribal council with the jury.
James Clement- For talking
Erik Reichenbach- For falling prey to Parvati and the League of Bitches
Bob Crowley- for his fake immunity idol and his buff bow tie.
Ken Hoang- the video games really taught him the game of manipulation.
Coach Wade- oh god where to begin? For proclaiming he's the Dragon Slayer, for his definitely fake stories, for being so gullible in both seasons.
JT- total workhorse, loyal.
Russell Hantz- for burying the machete and going head to head with Rob in one nail biting tribal council.
Marc Jacobs

'Go Green' Gardening Party

Boy by Band of Outsiders/ NYFW
Oscar 2010/ My picks
I didn’t see what the deal was with (500) Days of Summer. I didn’t think the writing was so original that it deserved a nod– Tom’s lines in the film were classic love-lorn lore. It’s not really in the romantic-comedy genre, but the indie-nerd-romance category.
Freeman and Damon were safe votes at the most and the Academy probably wanted to tip their hats to Clint Eastwood (a luminary in their eyes) and Nelson Mandela . Yes, the South African accent is tough– and Leonardo DiCaprio proved it in 'Blood Diamond'. Basically, nothing new.
Meryl Streep is fantastic in whatever she does. It’s just effortless, and she makes us believe that she really is Julia Child. Not questioning that 'safe' vote from the Academy-- even though she's been nominated 16 times. Diane Kruger… she was pretty fantastic in 'Basterds'.
'Where the Wild Things Are' should have gotten a nomination for Art Direction at least. Beautiful film– maybe they had room for only one childhood book-converted-to-movie (i.e.Fantastic Mr.Fox, which was WAY better in vision and production). And the Academy had the gall to snub Tom Ford (designer extraordinaire) and his impeccable fashion sense for the characters of 'A Single Man'? No commercial-value Colleen Atwood could manage this epic feat.
Despite my bitchiness and criticism, I watch the Oscars every year (last 4 in NY, and woke up at 6 am in the years before, will continue to do so now). And here are my picks for 2010, still quite safe bets taking the Globes, SAGs, Critics and BAFTA's into consideration. Maybe the Academy will pull a fast one and might surprise it's incredibly small TV audience/fans, whichever category has less people. Ha.